Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Scoubidou App Released!

The all new Scoubidou app was just released! Learn to create the most incredible weaved pieces of art in the world! Scoubidou (aka Boondoggle, Lanyard, and Rexlace) can be weaved into various shapes, forms, and sizes. 

Featuring amazing instructions for creating over 25 styles of Boondoggle:

4-Way Brick, 4-Way Twist
4-Way Switch-BackCobra Doggle Zipper DoggleButterfly Doggle6-Way Brick6-Way Twist6-Way Switch-BackFlat-8 BrickFlat-8 TwistFlat-8 Switch-BackFlat-8 Flat-SwitchDotted SpiralLadder DoggleThick-8 BrickThick-8 TwistThick-8 Switch-BackSuper-10 TwistSuper-10 BrickSuper-10 Switch-BackThin 10 BrickThin 10 TwistThin 10Switch-BackMega-14 Twist14-Way Brick16-Way BrickUltra-16 TwistCash Doggle.
***Instructions on ending all Boondoggles

Download the app today:    

Scoubidou App

Scoubi-Doggle Wesbiste

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