Monday, October 14, 2013

Scoubi-Doggle and Paracord

How they are a lot alike

Classic Paracord Survival Bracelet
Classic Paracord Survival Bracelet
For the last couple of years paracord bracelets have become very popular. Paracord is a short way of saying parachute cord, which is a super strong thin rope that was used by the U.S. military's parachutes. Weaving paracord into bracelets and other projects has become a growing fad in America. The styles of bracelets made are exactly the same as many styles of Scoubi-Doggle. 

Paracord iOS App Icon
Paracord Icon
An app for making paracord crafts was just released into the iOS App Store. It teaches you how to make the projects with real-life animations. You can check out Paracord and Paracord SD on the App Store.

If you haven't made any paracord crafts yet, the new Paracord apps are great places to start learning. If you don't have an iOS device you can learn at or other online resources.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mega-14 Scoubi-Doggle

Scoubidou, Boondoggle, gimp, rexlace, and lanyard

Fourteen-Way Brick Scoubidou, Boondoggle, lanyard
Mega-14 Brick Scoubi-Doggle

Made from 14 thin plastic strings

        The Mega-14 Scoubi-doggle instructions are now available! To make this incredible craft, you must weave seven long strands of plastic lace into a series of knots. This Scoubi-Doggle took about three hours to complete. Instructions are available here.

Scoubidou iPhone/iPad app
Boondoggle iPhone/iPad app
Scoubi-Doggle Website

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Scoubidou App Released!

The all new Scoubidou app was just released! Learn to create the most incredible weaved pieces of art in the world! Scoubidou (aka Boondoggle, Lanyard, and Rexlace) can be weaved into various shapes, forms, and sizes. 

Featuring amazing instructions for creating over 25 styles of Boondoggle:

4-Way Brick, 4-Way Twist
4-Way Switch-BackCobra Doggle Zipper DoggleButterfly Doggle6-Way Brick6-Way Twist6-Way Switch-BackFlat-8 BrickFlat-8 TwistFlat-8 Switch-BackFlat-8 Flat-SwitchDotted SpiralLadder DoggleThick-8 BrickThick-8 TwistThick-8 Switch-BackSuper-10 TwistSuper-10 BrickSuper-10 Switch-BackThin 10 BrickThin 10 TwistThin 10Switch-BackMega-14 Twist14-Way Brick16-Way BrickUltra-16 TwistCash Doggle.
***Instructions on ending all Boondoggles

Download the app today:    

Scoubidou App

Scoubi-Doggle Wesbiste